Michael Shieh

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
National University of Singapore

Email: michaelshieh@comp.nus.edu.sg


I am Michael, a faculty member at Department of Computer Science of National University of Singapore. I spent four wonderful years at Carnegie Mellon University learning from Eduard Hovy and my friends despite that Pittsburgh can be a freezing city. I had fun using a few TPUs and GPUs for two years under the guidance and support of Quoc Le and Thang Luong at Google DeepMind (previously Google Brain).
My research group work on AI. We explore intuition that comes to us in the broad field of Large Language Models. I enjoy working with students who want to make a contribution in AI research. Feel free to reach out if you are a PhD student or Master student at my university and are interested in working with us.

Some publications

*: equal contribution, †: equal advising.

For an up-to-date and complete list, please check my Google Scholar.

Review service
